We think that we are in control of everything we do
But nature’s done her very best to show us that’s not true
The lives we know are put on pause, the rule to stay apart
This is a time, we can’t deny, to hear what’s in our heart
Always there deep down inside, that dream, that hope, that goal
Covered up with daily life, the stirring of your soul
But here it is, the time has come, to still, reflect and be
To sit and ponder who you are, your true identity
Our life is not a given path, we have the power to mould
There is no way that things should be, there is no pot of gold
Our choices make us who we are, we’re free to choose each day
We change and grow along the road, it is the only way
We’re born, we die, it is a fact, but the middle bit is life
For us to shape and act upon with all its joy and strife
You have the skills and talent too, the way is test and learn
Your inner compass knows what’s best, from this you will discern
Trust yourself to find the way, that’s what your life is for
Trust yourself to walk the path, and find the open door
This pause arrived and made you still, it’s inviting you to grow
And in the stillness think again, a space for letting go
The time to act is always now, each moment holds a spell
The past is gone, the future waits, so use the moment well
Cause in the end it would be sad, if looking back you knew
That all the things that stirred your soul, were those you did not do

March 2020